- PriorityQueue.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace PriorityQueue
class PriorityQueue<T> where T: IComparable<T>
List<T> _heap = new List<T>();
// O(logN)
public void Push(T data)
// Add new data on end
int now = _heap.Count - 1;
// Start
while (now > 0)
// Try
int next = (now - 1) / 2;
if (_heap[now].CompareTo(_heap[next]) < 0)
// Change
T temp = _heap[now];
_heap[now] = _heap[next];
_heap[next] = temp;
// Change check location
now = next;
// O(logN)
public T Pop()
// Save return data
T ret = _heap[0];
// Move last data to root
int lastIndex = _heap.Count - 1;
_heap[0] = _heap[lastIndex];
// Reverse
int now = 0;
while (true)
int left = 2 * now + 1;
int right = 2 * now + 2;
int next = now;
// If left is bigger than now, move left
if (left <= lastIndex && _heap[next].CompareTo(_heap[left]) < 0)
next = left;
// If right is bigger than now, move right
if (right <= lastIndex && _heap[next].CompareTo(_heap[right]) < 0)
next = right;
// If left/right is smaller than now, stop
if (next == now)
// change
T temp = _heap[now];
_heap[now] = _heap[next];
_heap[next] = temp;
// change check location
now = next;
return ret;
public int Count{ get { return _heap.Count; } }
- Player.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace AStarAlgorithm
class Pos
public Pos(int y, int x) { Y = y; X = x; }
public int Y;
public int X;
class Player
public int PosY { get; private set; }
public int PosX { get; private set; }
Random _random = new Random();
Board _board;
enum Dir
Up = 0,
Left = 1,
Down = 2,
Right = 3
int _dir = (int)Dir.Up;
List<Pos> _points = new List<Pos>();
public void Initialize(int posY, int posX, Board board)
PosY = posY;
PosX = posX;
_board = board;
struct PQNode : IComparable<PQNode>
public int F;
public int G;
public int Y;
public int X;
public int CompareTo(PQNode other)
if (F == other.F)
return 0;
return F < other.F ? 1 : -1;
void AStar()
int[] deltaY = new int[] { -1, 0, 1, 0 };
int[] deltaX = new int[] { 0, -1, 0, 1 };
int[] cost = new int[] { 10, 10, 10, 10 };
// Calculate Score
// F = G + H
// F = Result Score (The Smaller, The better, Depends on path)
// G = Cost to go destination from start (The Smaller, The better, Depends on path)
// H = how close from destination (The Smaller, The better, fixed)
// check (y, x) is closed
bool[,] closed = new bool[_board.Size, _board.Size]; // CloseList
// check way to go (y, x) is found
// found X => MaxValue
// found O => F = G + H
int[,] open = new int[_board.Size, _board.Size]; // OpenList
for (int y = 0; y < _board.Size; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < _board.Size; x++)
open[y, x] = Int32.MaxValue;
Pos[,] parent = new Pos[_board.Size, _board.Size];
// Among datas in Open List, choose the best nimonee fast
PriorityQueue<PQNode> pq = new PriorityQueue<PQNode>();
// Find Start (open)
open[PosY, PosX] = 10 * (Math.Abs(_board.DestY - PosY) + Math.Abs(_board.DestX - PosX));
pq.Push(new PQNode() { F = 10 * (Math.Abs(_board.DestY - PosY) + Math.Abs(_board.DestX - PosX)), G = 0, Y = PosY, X = PosX });
parent[PosY, PosX] = new Pos(PosY, PosX);
while (pq.Count > 0)
// Search the best nimonee
PQNode node = pq.Pop();
// Search same coordinate with several path, if it is closed by more fast path, skip
if (closed[node.Y, node.X])
// Close
closed[node.Y, node.X] = true;
// Stop when destination
if (node.Y == _board.DestY && node.X == _board.DestX)
// Check coordinate is able to move, and open
for (int i = 0; i < deltaY.Length; i++)
int nextY = node.Y + deltaY[i];
int nextX = node.X + deltaX[i];
// Skip if unvalid range
if (nextX < 0 || nextX >= _board.Size || nextY < 0 || nextY >= _board.Size)
// Skip if wall
if (_board.Tile[nextY, nextX] == Board.TileType.Wall)
// Skip if closed
if (closed[nextY, nextX])
// Calculate cost
int g = node.G + cost[i];
int h = 10 * (Math.Abs(_board.DestY - nextY) + Math.Abs(_board.DestX - nextX));
// If more fast way is found in other path, skip
if (open[nextY, nextX] < g + h)
// Open
open[nextY, nextX] = g + h;
pq.Push(new PQNode() { F = g + h, G = g, Y = nextY, X = nextX });
parent[nextY, nextX] = new Pos(node.Y, node.X);
void CalcPathFromParent(Pos[,] parent)
int y = _board.DestY;
int x = _board.DestX;
while (parent[y, x].Y != y || parent[y, x].X != x)
_points.Add(new Pos(y, x));
Pos pos = parent[y, x];
y = pos.Y;
x = pos.X;
_points.Add(new Pos(y, x));
const int MOVE_TICK = 30;
int _sumTick = 0;
int _lastIndex = 0;
public void Update(int deltaTick)
if (_lastIndex >= _points.Count)
_lastIndex = 0;
_board.Initialize(_board.Size, this);
Initialize(1, 1, _board);
_sumTick += deltaTick;
if (_sumTick >= MOVE_TICK)
_sumTick = 0;
PosY = _points[_lastIndex].Y;
PosX = _points[_lastIndex].X;
- Heap
- Data structure created for priority queue as a type of complete binary tree
- Data structure that can easily extract maximum and minimum values
- Priority Queue
- Creates a maximum heap (in the form of a full binary tree) with n elements to be aligned
- Ejects elements from the heap one at a time and stores them from the back of the array
- Sort deleted elements (delete from maximum) in the order in which values are reduced
- IComparable
- Make a condition on type
class PriorityQueue<T> where T: IComparable<T>
- CompareTo
- Compare two values and return result
- Compare two values and return result
if (_heap[now].CompareTo(_heap[next]) < 0)
- Structure
- a composite data type
- defines a physically grouped list of variables under one name in a block of memory, allowing the different variables to be accessed via a single pointer or by the struct declared name which returns the same address
- contain other data types so is used for mixed-data-type records such as a hard-drive directory entry (file length, name, extension, physical address, etc.), or other mixed-type records (name, address, telephone, balance, etc.).
struct PQNode : IComparable<PQNode>
public int F;
public int G;
public int Y;
public int X;
public int CompareTo(PQNode other)
if (F == other.F)
return 0;
return F < other.F ? 1 : -1;