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using System; namespace TextRPG { class Program { enum ClassType { None = 0, Knight = 1, Archer = 2, Magicion = 3 } struct Player { public int hp; public int attack; } enum MonsterType { None = 0, Slime = 1, Orc = 2, Skeleton = 3 } struct Monster { public int hp; public int attack; } static ClassType ChooseClass() { Console.WriteLine("Select your position!"); Console.WriteLine("[1] Knight"); Console.WriteLine("[2] Archer"); Console.WriteLine("[3] Magicion"); ClassType choice = ClassType.None; string input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "1": choice = ClassType.Knight; break; case "2": choice = ClassType.Archer; break; case "3": choice = ClassType.Magicion; break; } return choice; } static void CreatePlayer(ClassType choice, out Player player) { // Knight(100/10) Archer(75/12) magicion(50/15) switch (choice) { case ClassType.Knight: player.hp = 100; player.attack = 10; break; case ClassType.Archer: player.hp = 75; player.attack = 12; break; case ClassType.Magicion: player.hp = 50; player.attack = 15; break; default: player.hp = 0; player.attack = 0; break; } } static void CreateRandomMonster(out Monster monster) { Random rand = new Random(); int randMonster = rand.Next(1, 4); switch (randMonster) { case (int)MonsterType.Slime: monster.hp = 20; monster.attack = 2; Console.WriteLine("Slime is responed!"); break; case (int)MonsterType.Orc: monster.hp = 40; monster.attack = 4; Console.WriteLine("Orc is responed!"); break; case (int)MonsterType.Skeleton: monster.hp = 30; monster.attack = 3; Console.WriteLine("Skeleton is responed!"); break; default: monster.hp = 0; monster.attack = 0; break; } } static void Fight(ref Player player, ref Monster monster) { while (true) { // Player attacks monster monster.hp -= player.attack; if (monster.hp <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("You Win! :)"); Console.WriteLine($"Your hp : {player.hp}"); break; } // Monster attacks player player.hp -= monster.attack; if (player.hp <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("You Lose! :("); break; } } } static void EnterField(ref Player player) { while (true) { Console.WriteLine("You entered field!"); // Create Monster Monster monster; // Respon one monster among 3 random monsters CreateRandomMonster(out monster); Console.WriteLine("[1] Change Battle Mode"); Console.WriteLine("[2] Run away to town with a certain chance"); String input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input == "1") { Fight(ref player, ref monster); } else if (input == "2") { // Run away chance: 33% Random rand = new Random(); int randValue = rand.Next(0, 101); if (randValue <= 33) { Console.WriteLine("You successed to run away!"); break; } else { Fight(ref player, ref monster); } } } } static void EnterGame(ref Player player) { while (true) { Console.WriteLine("You entered town!"); Console.WriteLine("[1] Go to field."); Console.WriteLine("[2] Return to lobby."); string input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input == "1") { EnterField(ref player); } else if (input == "2") { break; } } } static void Main(string[] args) { while (true) { ClassType choice = ChooseClass(); if (choice == ClassType.None) continue; // Create Player Player player; CreatePlayer(choice, out player); // Go to field and fight with monster EnterGame(ref player); } } } }
static void Fight(ref Player player, ref Monster monster)
static void CreatePlayer(ClassType choice, out Player player)