linking with DB
- Table name
- Entity Class name defines Table name
- for example, the
class makesItem
table in DB and thePlayer
class makesPlayer
table in DB - you can define table name by annotation, example,
- Primary Key
- [ClassName]Id is specified by primary key
- you can define primary key by annotation, example,
- Foreign Key
- reference another class
- Navigational Property
- when type of the object is outer class type, the object is foreign data
- for example, type of the
, soOwner
is foreign data - to make foreign key to data, make object name to [ObjectName]Id
- or just use annotation
- Alternate Key
- not primary key but it is unique, then it can be alternate key
- for example, if
is unique, then it can be alternate key inPlayer
- DataModel.cs
EF Core Process
- step
- make DbContext
- search DbSet
- analize modeling class, and search column
- if there is another class which is referenced in modeling class, analize it also
- call OnModelCreating function(extra setting = override)
hold all modeling structure of database in inner memory
- DbSet
- notice to EFCore
- ex. there is Items in DB table, and let it reference detail column/ key information on Item class
- DB ConnectionString
- connect DB
- include settings, Authorization, and etc
- SqlServer
- if you use Sql Server, reference
method below
- if you use Sql Server, reference
- AppDbContext.cs
Initialize DB
- check exsisting DB
(db.GetService<IDatabaseCreator>() as RelationalDatabaseCreator).Exists()
- EnsuredDeleted()
- Delete Database and ensure it
- EnsuredCreated()
- Create Database and ensure it
- using{}
- to avoid
- to avoid
- DbCommands.cs
- AddRange([ListName])
- same function with Add([ObjectName])
- but you can add a bundle of objects in List
- DbCommands.cs
- AsNoTracking
- ReadOnly
- to skip Tracking Snapshot
- Tracking Snapshot
- detect data’s change
- Include
- Eager Loading
- load foreign data by foreign key
- DbCommands.cs
- DbCommands.cs
- RemoveRange([ListName])
- same function with Remove([ObjectName])
- but you can remove a bundle of objects in List
- DbCommands.cs
DB Relationship
- DB relationship modeling
- 1:1
- 1:N
Normally, Foreign Key is N
- N:N
- 1:1
- DataModel.cs
- DbCommands.cs
Model change
- DataModel.cs
- AppDbContext.cs
- DbCommands.cs
Eager Loading
- Pros
- can access DB at once
- Cons
- load all data
- DbCommands.cs
Explicit Loading
- Pros
- can define loading moment
- Cons
- cost of DB access
- DbCommands.cs
Select Loading
- Pros
- loading data which is really needed
- Cons
- need to write in select
- need to write in select
- DbCommends.cs
Data Transfer Object(DTO)
Model change
- DataModel.cs
Select Loading
- Select()
- By DTO, you can make a object instead of
- and this solution uses LINQ, so it more easier to write and manage
- By DTO, you can make a object instead of
- IEnumerable
- LINQ to Object
- LINQ to XML Query
- IQueryable
- LINQ to SQL Query
- Extension.cs
- DbCommands.cs
State Type
- Detached
- No Tracking
- cannot use SaveChanges()
- Unchanged
- exist in DB, but not change
- not changed from SaveChanges()
- Deleted
- exist in DB, but should be deleted
- apply deleting from SaveChanges()
- Modified
- exist in DB, changed in Client
- apply changing from SaveChanges()
- Added
- not exist in DB
- apply adding from SaveChanges
- SaveChanges()
- state of added objects is changed to Unchanged
- manage PK by SQL Identity
- after adding data, received ID and fill Id property of object
- reference Relationship and setting FK and link Object Reference
- link existed player
- first, Tracked Instance
- then, SaveChanges()
- DbCommands.cs
Update 3 Step
- Tracked Entity
- change Property of Entity Class(set)
- call SaveChanges
- call SaveChanges
- call DetectChanges innerly
- compare first Snapshot with current Snapshot in DetectChange
- in SQL
Connected vs Disconnected Update
- Disconnected
steps occur not at once - this steps are separated
- ex. REST API
- Reload method
- send essential data and process 1-2-3 Step
- Full Update method
- send all data and receive
- remake Entity and update
Model Change
- Extentions.cs
- Pros
- update by minimal data
- Cons
- read twice
- DbCommands.cs
- Pros
- don’t neet to read DB again, update directly
- find data by Primary key, so you don’t need to read original database
- Cons
- need all data
- Security problem(Confidence in the other party)
- JsonConvert
- use Json String in C#
- to make object, use
- DbCommands.cs by Json
- DbCommands.cs by Object
Foreign Key and Nullable
- Principal Entity
- ex. Player
- Dependent Entity
- Foreign Key
- ex. Item
- Policy about Relationship
- Dependent Data can exsist without Principal Data
1) item cannot exsist without player
2) item can exsist without item
- Dependent Data can exsist without Principal Data
- Nullable
- ex. int?
- FK → int → 1)
if player is deleted, item that reference the player is deleted by FK - FK → int? → 2)
if player is deleted, item that reference the player is not deleted by FK
- DbCommands.cs
1) Not Nullable
- DataModel.cs
2) Nullable
- DataModel.cs
Update Relationship
Update Relationship 1:1
- Create new object and remove original data
- Not create new object, just change the data
Update Realtionship 1vN
- Create new object and remove original data
- Not create new object, just change the data
Model Change
- DataModel.cs
- AppDbContext.cs
- filtering of model level when accessing Item entity
- if want ignore filter, add IgnoreQueryfilters option
- Delete
- Tracking Entity
- call Remove
- call SaveChanges
- SoftDelte
- not remove the data in DB
- just check that the data is removed
- DbCommands.cs
- Convention
- make form and name with fixed rule, be processed automately in EF Core
- easy and fast, but not include all case
- Entity Class
- public access modifier + non-static
- search and analize public getter during property
- property name = table column name
- name, structure, size
- .NET structure ↔ SQL structure
ex. int, bool - follow Nullable or not of .NET structure
ex. string is nullable
ex. int non-nul vs int? is nullable
- .NET structure ↔ SQL structure
- PK
- define property which name is Id or [ClassName]Id to PK
- Composite Key cannot be defined by Convention
Data Annotation
- add Attribute at class/property
Fluent Api
- set Setting directly in OnModelCreating
is the biggest in application range
- DB Column type, size, nullable
Data Annotation | Fluent Api | |
Nullable | [Required] | .Isrequired |
String length | [MayLength(20)] | .Has MaxLength(20) |
char form | .IsUnicode(true) |
- PK
Data Annotation | Fluent Api | |
Primary Key | [Key][Column(Order=0)] [Key][Column(Order=1)] | .HasKey(x => new {x.Prop1, x.Prop2}) |
- Index
Data Annotation | Fluent Api | |
add Index | .HasIndex(p => p.Prop1) | |
add complex index | .HasIndex(p => new {p.Prop1, p.Prop2}) | |
set index name | .HasIndex(p => p.Prop1).HasName("Index_MyProp") | |
add unique Index | .HasIndex(p => p.Prop1).IsUnique() |
- table name
Data Annotation | Fluent Api | |
DbSet <T > | [Property/Class]name [Table("MyTable")] | .ToTable("MyTable") |
- column name
- in Convention, using [Property]name
Data Annotation | Fluent Api | |
Column Name<T> | [Column("MyCol")] | .HasColumnName("MyCol") |
- use code modeling, but not in DB modeling(Property and Class)
Data Annotation | Fluent Api | |
use only in code<T> | [NotMapped] | .Ignore() |
- Soft Delete
Data Annotation | Fluent Api | |
Soft Delete<T> | .HasQueryFilter() |
- Order
- Convention is the easist
- Validation and related parts → Data Annotation(directly, call SaveChanges)
- etc → Fluent Api
- DataModel.cs
- AppDbContext.cs
Relationship Configuration
- Relationship
- Principal Entity
- Dependent Entity
- Navigational Property
- Primary Key(PK)
- Foreign Key(FK)
- Principal Key = PK or Unique Alternate Key
- Required Relationship(Not-Null)
- Optional Relationship(Nullable)
- Set FK by Convention
- [PrincipalKeyName]
ex. PlayerId - [Class][PrincipalKeyName]
ex. PlayerPlayerId - [NagivationalPropertyName][PrincipalKeyName]
ex. OwnerPlayerId / OwnerId
- [PrincipalKeyName]
FK and Nullable
- Required Relationship(Not-Null)
- when delete, call
factor byCascase
mode → if delete Principal, delete Dependent
- when delete, call
- Optional Relationship(Nullable)
- when delete, call
factor byClientSetNull
mode - if delete Principal and Dependent Tracking, FK is setted null
- if delete Principal and not Dependent Tracking, occur Exception
- when delete, call
Not in Convention
- Complex FK
- several Navigational Property reference same class
- DB or Delete Customizing
Set Relationship with Data Annotation
- [ForeignKey(“Prop1”)]
- [InversProperty]
- several Navigational Property reference same class
Set Relationship with Fluent Api
.HasOne() | .HasMany() | |
.WithOne() | .WithMany() | |
.HasForeignKey() | .IsRequired() | .OnDelete() |
- DataModel.cs
- AppDbContext.cs
Shadow Property & Backing Field
Shadow Property
- in Class OK, but Not in DB
Data Annotation | Fluent Api | |
only use in code | [NotMapped] | .Ignore() |
- in DB OK, but Not in Class → Shadow Property
Data Annotation | Fluent Api | |
create | .Property<DateTime>("RecoveredDate") | |
Read/Write | .Property("RecoveredDate").CurrentVale |
- AppDbContext.cs
- DbCommands.cs
Backing Field (EF Core)
- mapping private field in DB and change to public getter to use
- ex. save string by Json type in DB and getter use json with processing
Fluent Api in normal
- DataModel.cs
- AppDbContext.cs
Entity ↔ DB Table link
- all Entity Class Read/ Write → Cost (Select Loading, DTO)
Owned Type
- add normal Class in Entity Class
add to same table
- .OwnsOne()
- Relationship .Include() vs Ownership
- DataModel.cs
- AppDbContext.cs
- DbCommands.cs
add to diff table
- DbCommands.cs
Table Per Hiearchy (TPH)
- several classes of hierarchy relation ↔ mapping in one table
ex. Dog, Cat, Bird, Animal
- first make class by hiearchy and add DbSet
- Discriminator
- DataModel.cs
- AppDbContext.cs
Fluent Api
- .HasDiscriminator().HasValue()
- DataModel.cs
- AppDbContext.cs
- DbCommands.cs
Table Splitting
- several entity Class ↔ mapping one table
- DataModel.cs
- AppDbContext.cs
- DbCommands.cs
Backing Field & Relationship
Backing Field → mapping private field in DB
- can use in Navigation Property
- DataModel.cs
- AppDbContext.cs
- DbCommands.cs
UserDefined Function(UDF)
- The ability to invoke SQL that you create
- want to perform operations on the DB side.
- EF Core queries are inefficient
- Configuration
- make static function and assign EF Core
- Database Setup
- Use
- DataModel.cs
- Program.cs
- AppDbContext.cs
- DbCommands.cs
Default Value
How to be defined
- defined by Entity Class
- defined by DB Table
- if you use DB by other way except EF ↔ DB, it makes diff
ex) SQL Script
- if you use DB by other way except EF ↔ DB, it makes diff
Auto-Property Initializer(C# 6.0)
- Entity default value
- apply DB by SaveChange
- DataModel.cs
- DbCommands.cs
Fluent Api
- DB Table
- AppDbContext.cs
SQL Fragment
- .HasDefaultValueSql
- when add new value, excute in DB
- DataModel.cs
- AppDbContext.cs
- DbCommands.cs
Value Generator
- excute in EF Core
- set Generator rule
- DataModel.cs
- AppDbContext.cs
- DbCommands.cs
- EF Core DbContext ↔ need agreement about DB state
- the standard is Entity Class or Db Context
not always update recently
Migration Step
1) make Migration
2) apply Migration - Add-Migration [Name]
1) search DbContext and analize → DB Modeling(recent)
2) DB Modeling most latest Migration state by ModelSnapshot.cs
3) 1-2 Compare and print result
a) ModelSnapshot
b) Migrate.Designer.cs and Migrate.cs -> detail data related with Migration
- Add Up/Down by Hands
- apply Migration
1) SQL change script
- Script-Migration [From] [To] [Options]
2) call Database.Migrate
3) Command Line method
- Update-Database [options]
- Script-Migration [From] [To] [Options]
- DataModel.cs
- Sync to specific Migration
- Update-Database [Name]
- Delete last Migration
- Remove-Migration
if you have Database, you can make EF Core DbContext from Database
- Download
- Reverse Engineer
- [EF Core Power Tools] - [Reverse Engineer]
- Methods
- Hands Power
- Script-Migration [From] [To] [Options]
- Compare DB and extract SQL
- Tracking State
- State is mostly intuitive but when it include Relationship, it becames more complexive
- Transaction
- DB Creation / Migration
- Raw SQL
DB Modeling
- State Check method
- Entry().State
- Entry().Property().IsModified
- Entry().Navigation().IsModified
- state changing on Add/AddRange
- NotTracking State → Added
- Tracking State → seperated Modified or current state maintain by FK setting
- state changing on Remove/RemoveRange
- (key that made by DB) && (not C# default value) → Updated, Modified or Deleted
(not Key that made by DB) (C# default value) → Added - above is Added because of behavior consistency
- DB need to the existence first (ex. Cascade Delete Process)
- DbCommands.cs
- Update/UpdateRange
- the normal method to update Entity in EF is not Update
- Tracked Entity → change property → SaveChanges
- Update is to update all Untracked Entity (Disconnected State)
Update Step in EF Core
1) call Update
2) Entity State = Modified
3) all IsModified of Non-Relational Property = true - Relationship in Update
- (key that made by DB) && (not 0 → Updated, Modified or Deleted
(not Key that made by DB) (0) → Added
- Attach
- change Untracked Entity to Tracked Entity
- Relationship in Attach
- (key that made by DB) && (not 0 → Unchanged
(not Key that made by DB) (0) → Added
- DbCommands.cs
- DbCommands.cs
State Control
- can control State (ex. Optimization)
- Entry().State = EntityState.Added
- Entry().Property(“”).IsModified = true
- State Control of Untracked Entity in Relationship
ex. change speficific data
detect state data changing
ex. Print log when name of player changing
ex. Put Validation code
ex. add CreateTime data when player is created time -
1) override SaveChanges
2) extract / use changing data by ChangeTracker.Entries
- DataModel.cs
- AppDbContext.cs
- DbCommands.cs
call SQL direct
- you can call your SQL
ex. not to LINQ → call Stored Procedure, etc
ex. Performance Optimizing
FormSql → FromSql / FormSqlInterpolated
- Add Raw SQL in EF Core Query
ExecuteSqlCommand → ExcuteSqlRaw / ExecuteSqlInterpolated
- Non-Query SQL(not SELECT)
- there is Tracked Entity already
- when DB data is changed by ExecuteSqlCommand, then Reload
- DbCommands.cs
- print SQL log in console
- AppDbContext.cs