- Download Virtual Box.
- Download Vagrant.
- Download Putty.
- Download SuperPutty.
- Download Kubernetes Starter Kit.
Run Kubernetes
- Open
- Enter
vagrant up
- Open Virtual Box to check 4 machines
Run Kubernetes on Terminal
- Open SuperPutty - [File] - [Import Sessions] - Import
- To easy exit from the virtual machine, Open Virtual Box - [Environment Settings] - [Input] - [Virtual Machine] - Click Host Key and Press Ctrl + Alt
- To change font size of SuperPutty, Open SuperPutty and Click m-k8s from Sessions - Right click the session name in Commands - [Change Settings] - [Window] - [Apperance]
- If you want to change Putty colour, copy and paste
andk8s(github_SysNet4Admin) Terminal,reg
to your putty folder.
- Pod is union of containers.
- One pod has one or several containers to do one specific work.
Release Pod with NGINX
- Enter
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx
- Enter
Kubectl get pod
and wait until Status is changed to Running - Enter
Kubectl get pod -o wode
and copy nginx IP - Enter
curl [nginx IP]
Connect Pod from Outside
- We use a service to connect a pod from Outside.
- At first, service will be connected with a NodePort.
- Then the NodePort communicates with the node.
- As a result, the service finds the pod in the node.
Expose Service
- Enter
kubectl expose pod nginx --type=NodePort --port=80
to expose a service with a port. - Enter
kubectl get service
and check your port number.
- Enter
kubectl get nodes -o wide
and check INTERNAL-IP.
- Check one of IP is connected from outside like commands or web browser.
- Union of Pods
Create Deployment
- Enter
kubectl create deployment deploy-nginx --image=nginx
Scale Deployment
- Enter
kubectl scale deployment deploy-nginx --replicas=3
because default replicas set is 1.
Expose Deployment
- This way is not the best way to connect with pods because you have to share your Internal IP.
- Enter
kubectl expose deployment deploy-nginx --type=NodePort --port=80
Load Balancer
- We use Load Balancer to expose the Deployment with External IP.
- Enter
kubectl apply -f ~/_Lecture_k8s_starter.kit/ch2/2.4/metallb.yaml
to install MetaLib.
- Enter
kubectl create deployment chk-hn --image=sysnet4admin/chk-hn
. - Enter
kubectl scale deployment chk-hn --replicas=3
- Enter
kubectl expose deployment chk-hn --type=LoadBalancer --port=80
- Check your External IP with web browser
Delete Deployment, Service, Pod and MetaLib
- Enter
kubectl delete deployment [Your Deployment Name]
- Enter
kubectl delete service [Your Service Name]
- Enter
kubectl delete Pod [Your Pod Name]
- Enter
kubectl delete -f ~/_Lecture_k8s_starter.kit/ch2/2.4/metallb.yaml
Native components
- Enter
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
Kubernetes Cloud Service
- EKS : Elastic Kubernetes Service from AWS
- AKS : Azure Kubernetes Service
- GKE : Google Kubernetes Engine
About Deleteing
- If your deleted pod was a real pod, then you cannot rewind.
- But if your deleted pod was in a deployment, then kubernetes rewind the pod automatically.
- If you delete a pod in mater node, kubernetes recreate it automatically.
- At first, you have to make pods and a deployment for practice with
kubectl apply -f ~/_Lecture_k8s_starter.kit/ch4/4.1/
. - Now, you have 3 deployment’s pods and 1 just pod.
- When you delete del-pod with
kubectl delete pod [Your Pod]
, three pods will be remained. - And del-pod is removed eternally.
- When you delete a pod which is in the deployment with
kubectl delete pod [Your Delpoyment's Pod]
, three pods will be remained. - Your deployment will rewind your deleted pod automatically.
- When you want to delete a pod which is in the deployment, enter
kubectl delete deployment [Your Deployment]
. - Your deployment will remove your all pods in that deployment.
- To delete Scheduler in master node, enter
kubectl delete pod kube-scheduler-m-k8s -n kube-system
. - Then you can see that your kubernetes create new scheduler immediately.
About Termination
- If you terminate a worker node, kubernetes seperate pods in that worker node to others.
- At first, terminate first worker node with
systemctl stop kubelet
- You have to make pods for practice with
kubectl apply -f ~/_Lecture_k8s_starter.kit/ch4/4.1/del-deploy.yaml
. - Now, you have 3 deployment’s pods unfairly.
- In master node, you can also practice terminating Kubelet with
systemctl stop kubelet
andkubectl delete pod kube-scheduler-m-k8s -n kube-system
- Now your scheduler in master node is always Terminating, because your master node kubelet is stopped.
- You can check, that kubelet in master node is still working well, with
kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx
- You can check, that scheduler in master node is still working well, with
kubectl scale deployment nginx --replicas=3
- By the way, to restart our kubelet and scheduler, enter
systemctl start kubelet
- At first, terminate containerD in first worker node with
systemctl stop containerd
- You need to scale pods to 6 with
kubectl scale deployment del-deploy --replicas=6
. - Now, you have 6 deployment’s pods and those pods are working in worker node 2 and 3, not 1.
- To restart containerD, enter
systemctl start containerd
- You have to rescale to see the worker node 1 in pod list with
kubectl scale deployment del-deploy --replicas=9
- In master node, you can also practice terminating ContainerD with
systemctl stop containerd
- You can check, that ContainerD in master node is still working well, with
kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx
andkubectl delete deployment nginx
- By the way, to restart our ContainerD and scheduler, enter
systemctl start containerd
- In worker node #1, you will stop ContainerD and Docker with
systemctl stop containerd
andsystemctl stop docker
. - Then your new scaled deployment is not working in worker node #1.
- When you stoped worker node #1 more than 5 minutes, your pods in worker node #1 are terminated.
- But, those are not deleted, because there is no ContainerD.
- Most objects in kubernetes has the status and spec.
- Pod : union of container
- Service : Connection Pod with outside
- Namespace : Place to publish pods, services and delpoyments
- Volume : Place to save eternal data, like pod
Edit Status
- To edit status of deployment, enter
kubectl edit deployment del-deploy
Apply Volume
- At first, create symlink to make log file about volume with
~/_Lecture_k8s_starter.kit/ch5/5.2/ log
,cat /etc/exports
andcat ~/_Lecture_k8s_starter.kit/ch5/5.2/dpy-chk-log.yaml
- Now, create deployments with
kubectl apply -f ~/_Lecture_k8s_starter.kit/ch5/5.2/dpy-chk-log.yaml
- Now, create deployments with
kubectl apply -f ~/_Lecture_k8s_starter.kit/ch5/5.2/dpy-chk-log.yaml
- To check your log file, first of all, you have to execute a deployment with
curl [Your Deployment IP]
. - Then you will access this deployment with
kubectl exec dpy-chk-log-655668ffb8-jl9fr -it -- /bin/bash
. - And you can access the log file with
cat audit/audit_dpy-chk-log-655668ffb8-jl9fr.log
. - You can see your execution after that command line.
- This log file data is eternally saved, even when we deleted deployments.
Short Cut
Object | Short cut |
Pod | po |
Deployment | deploy |
Node | no |
Namespace | ns |
Service | svc |
- With alias, we can make short cut in kubernetes.
Master Node
- You can see all line of master node code with
cat ~/_Lecture_k8s_starter.kit/ch1/1.2/k8s-min-5GiB/
- In this master node, for example, you can use
- Now, we will use keq as
kubectl exec [Your Pod Number]
. - You can see the code with
cat ~/_Lecture_k8s_starter.kit/ch6/6.1/
- To run this file, enter ` ~/_Lecture_k8s_starter.kit/ch6/6.1/`.
- When you type
, you can see the selection. - The default command line environment is shell, but if you want, you can change to bash with
- Before upgrading, our master node version is 1.25.0.
Master node
- To upgrade your kubernetes, you should upgrade kubeadm with
yum upgrade kubeadm-[Your Upgrade Version] -y
, cluster withkubeadm upgrade apply [Your Upgrade Version] -y
, kubelet withyum upgrade kubelet-[Your Upgrade Version] -y
. - Now, you need to restart kubelet with
systemctl restart kubelet
andsystemctl daemon-reload
Worker node
- In worker node, you should upgrade kubeadm with
yum upgrade kubeadm-[Your Upgrade Version] -y
, cluster withkubeadm upgrade node
, kubelet withyum upgrade kubelet-[Your Upgrade Version] -y
- When you have different cluster between master node and worker node, you can use
kubeadm upgrade node
andkubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -o yaml
- Now, you need to restart kubelet with
systemctl restart kubelet
andsystemctl daemon-reload
. - You can see upgrade result in master node with
kubectl get nodes
Automatic Upgrade with Ansible
- You can check the installer code for ansible with
cd _Lecture_k8s_starter.kit/ch8/009
yum install ansible-2.9.27-1.el7 -y
will install <<EOF > /etc/ansible/hosts [Master] [Workers] 192.168.1.[101:103] EOF
describes upgrading hosts.known_host
makes automatic authorization in ssh without password.
- You should run this file with
- There is an upgrade yaml code and you can check this with
vi k8s-upgrade.yml
. hosts
means host for upgrading.- In task, you can see
and this describes we want to upgrade kubeadm, cluster and kubelet. ansible.builtin.systemd
shows, we want to restart our kubelet and reload daemon.
- After you check your upgrade version, run this upgrade code with
ansible-playbook k8s-upgrade.yml
- Reference : Kubernetes DNS Query
- Use that manifest to create a Pod with
kubectl apply -f
- Take a look inside the resolv.conf file with
kubectl exec -ti dnsutils -- cat /etc/resolv.conf
- Use the kubectl get pods command to verify that the DNS pod is running with
kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-dns
. - The command line will show pods, that their label is kube-dns and they are belong to namespace kube-system.
- Use the kubectl logs command to see logs for the DNS containers with
kubectl logs --namespace=kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-dns
- In mater node, there is Api server and etcd.
- etcd communicates with Api server for cluster status.
- You can install etcd with
- Create deployments with
k apply -f _Lecture_k8s_starter.kit/ch8/003/sysnet4admin.yaml
- Sync Api server and etcd with
ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints=https://[]:2379 --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt --key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key get --prefix=true "" > /tmp/prefix
- Then you can see two command line,
cat /tmp/prefix | nl | tail
andcat /tmp/prefix | nl | grep -i 'pod":"sysnet4admin'
- When you scaled deployments, you should sync again.
- When you delete deployments, you should sync again, too.
- Every application use a specific namespace, because it’s easier to delete.
- Reference : Fairwinds
- Before practice, you need 6 normal deployments and 1 specific deployment, which belong to metallb-system namespace.
- Then, you need to download helm in your repository with belows.
- Now, you can download polaris with belows.
- Finally, you will expose polaris dashboard with LoadBalancer in port 8080 with
k expose -n polaris deployment polaris-dashboard --type=LoadBalancer --name=polaris --port=8080
- Use
in your web browser to see your dashboard.
Chaos Mesh
- Reference : Chaos Mesh
- Download with
curl -sSL | bash
- Use
k get svc -n chaos-mesh
to check your node port number.
- And you can access Chaos Mesh dashboard in your web browser on
[One of Your Node IP]:[Chaos Mesh Node Port]
- Chaos Mesh is used as a lab with experiment tab.