I wanna be a global developer.
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import pygame import os ################################################################################ pygame.init() # initialization # Screen size setting screen_width = 1280 # width size screen_height = 980 # height size screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height)) # Screen title setting pygame.display.set_caption("Python Pang") # Game Name # FPS clock = pygame.time.Clock() ################################################################################ # 1. Initial User Game(Background, Game Image, Position, Speed, Font, etc) # Create background current_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) # return current file path image_path = os.path.join(current_path, "images") # return images folder path background = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(image_path, "background.png")) # Create stage stage = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(image_path, "stage.png")) stage_size = stage.get_rect().size stage_height = stage_size[1] # To put character on the stage # Create character character = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(image_path, "character.png")) character_size = character.get_rect().size # Get image size character_width = character_size[0] # character width size character_height = character_size[1] # character height size character_x_pos = (screen_width - character_width) / 2 # locate screen width / 2 character_y_pos = screen_height - stage_height - character_height # locate screen bottom # Character move position character_to_x = 0 # Character move speed character_speed = 5 # Create weapon weapon = pygame.image.load(os.path.join(image_path, "weapon.png")) weapon_size = weapon.get_rect().size weapon_width = weapon_size[0] # Weapon can be shoot several times at once weapons = [] # Weapon speed weapon_speed = 10 # Create ball ball_images = [ pygame.image.load(os.path.join(image_path, "balloon1.png")), pygame.image.load(os.path.join(image_path, "balloon2.png")), pygame.image.load(os.path.join(image_path, "balloon3.png")), pygame.image.load(os.path.join(image_path, "balloon4.png"))] # ball speed ball_speed_y = [-18, -15, -12, -9] # value of index 0, 1, 2, 3 # balls balls = [] balls.append({ "pos_x" : 50, # x pos of ball "pos_y" : 50, # y pos of ball "img_idx" : 0, # image index of ball "to_x" : 3, # move direction of x axis "to_y" : -6, # move direction of y axis "init_spd_y" : ball_speed_y[0]}) # first y speed # weapon and ball to remove weapon_to_remove = -1 ball_to_remove = -1 # Define font game_font = pygame.font.Font(None, 40) total_time = 10 start_ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks() # define start time # game over message game_result = "Game Over" ################################################################################ # Event loop running = True # Is the game running? while running: dt = clock.tick(60) # set second frame count of game screen # 2. Event (Keyboard, Mouse, etc) for event in pygame.event.get(): # which event is occured? if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # is Window closing event occured? running = False # game is not running if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: # Move charater to left character_to_x -= character_speed elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: # Move character to right character_to_x += character_speed elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: # shoot weapon_x_pos = character_x_pos + (character_width - weapon_width) / 2 weapon_y_pos = character_y_pos weapons.append([weapon_x_pos, weapon_y_pos]) if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: character_to_x = 0 ################################################################################ # 3. Move Game Character character_x_pos += character_to_x if character_x_pos <= 0: character_x_pos = 0 elif character_x_pos > screen_width - character_width: character_x_pos = screen_width - character_width # Set weapon location weapons = [[w[0], w[1] - weapon_speed] for w in weapons] # up weapon location # Remove weapon weapons = [[w[0], w[1]] for w in weapons if w[1] > 0] # Define ball location for ball_idx, ball_val in enumerate(balls): ball_pos_x = ball_val["pos_x"] ball_pos_y = ball_val["pos_y"] ball_img_idx = ball_val["img_idx"] ball_size = ball_images[ball_img_idx].get_rect().size ball_width = ball_size[0] ball_height = ball_size[1] # move ball position when ball touch horizental wall if ball_pos_x < 0 or ball_pos_x > screen_width - ball_width: ball_val["to_x"] = ball_val["to_x"] * -1 # move ball position when ball touch vertical wall if ball_pos_y >= screen_height - stage_height - ball_height: ball_val["to_y"] = ball_val["init_spd_y"] else: ball_val["to_y"] += 0.5 ball_val["pos_x"] += ball_val["to_x"] ball_val["pos_y"] += ball_val["to_y"] ################################################################################ # 4. Collision # Character rect information character_rect = character.get_rect() character_rect.left = character_x_pos character_rect.top = character_y_pos for ball_idx, ball_val in enumerate(balls): ball_pos_x = ball_val["pos_x"] ball_pos_y = ball_val["pos_y"] ball_img_idx = ball_val["img_idx"] # Ball rect information ball_rect = ball_images[ball_img_idx].get_rect() ball_rect.left = ball_pos_x ball_rect.top = ball_pos_y # Collision if character_rect.colliderect(ball_rect): running = False break # Collision ball and weapon for weapon_idx, weapon_val in enumerate(weapons): weapon_pos_x = weapon_val[0] weapon_pos_y = weapon_val[1] # weapon rect information weapon_rect = weapon.get_rect() weapon_rect.left = weapon_pos_x weapon_rect.top = weapon_pos_y # Check collision if weapon_rect.colliderect(ball_rect): weapon_to_remove = weapon_idx # value to remove weapon ball_to_remove = ball_idx # value to remove ball # the ball is not a smallest ball, then divide it to next ball if ball_img_idx < 3: # current ball size ball_width = ball_rect.size[0] ball_height = ball_rect.size[1] # divided ball information small_ball_rect = ball_images[ball_img_idx + 1].get_rect() small_ball_width = small_ball_rect.size[0] small_ball_height = small_ball_rect.size[1] # ball to bounce left balls.append({ "pos_x" : ball_pos_x + (ball_width - small_ball_width) / 2, # x pos of ball "pos_y" : ball_pos_y + (ball_height - small_ball_height) / 2, # y pos of ball "img_idx" : ball_img_idx + 1, # image index of ball "to_x" : -3, # move direction of x axis "to_y" : -6, # move direction of y axis "init_spd_y" : ball_speed_y[ball_img_idx + 1]}) # first y speed # ball to bounce right balls.append({ "pos_x" : ball_pos_x + (ball_width - small_ball_width) / 2, # x pos of ball "pos_y" : ball_pos_y + (ball_height - small_ball_height) / 2, # y pos of ball "img_idx" : ball_img_idx + 1, # image index of ball "to_x" : 3, # move direction of x axis "to_y" : -6, # move direction of y axis "init_spd_y" : ball_speed_y[ball_img_idx + 1]}) # first y speed break else: continue break # Remove weapon and ball which is collied if ball_to_remove > -1: del balls[ball_to_remove] ball_to_remove = -1 if weapon_to_remove > -1: del weapons[weapon_to_remove] weapon_to_remove = -1 if len(balls) == 0: game_result = "Mission Complete" running = False ################################################################################ # 5. Print Screen screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) # Paint background for weapon_x_pos, weapon_y_pos in weapons: screen.blit(weapon, (weapon_x_pos, weapon_y_pos)) for idx, val in enumerate(balls): ball_pos_x = val["pos_x"] ball_pos_y = val["pos_y"] ball_img_idx = val["img_idx"] screen.blit(ball_images[ball_img_idx], (ball_pos_x, ball_pos_y)) screen.blit(stage, (0, screen_height - stage_height)) screen.blit(character, (character_x_pos, character_y_pos)) # Print character elapsed_time = (pygame.time.get_ticks() - start_ticks) / 1000 # ms -> s timer = game_font.render("Time : {}".format(int(total_time - elapsed_time)), True, (255, 255, 255)) screen.blit(timer, (10, 10)) # Time Over if total_time - elapsed_time <= 0: game_result = "Time Over" running = False pygame.display.update() # Repaint game screen # Game over message msg = game_font.render(game_result, True, (255, 255, 0)) msg_rect = msg.get_rect(center=(int(screen_width / 2), int(screen_height / 2))) screen.blit(msg, msg_rect) pygame.display.update() # Repaint game screen # wait pygame.time.delay(2000) # pygame quit pygame.quit() ################################################################################